A Ruined Past – 6h Special One Shot
Lady Lyliana Von Wolfram has returned from her prison and now seeks to reclaim her land from her twisted father. Still weak from her captivity, she has taken shelter in Stronghill and now looks for the aid of adventurers such as yourself to infiltrate the castle and take down the Tyrant King. In order to prevent his escape you are told there are 4 grimoires that each contain a portion of a large scale magic circle spell that will contain him no matter where he lurks within the ruined castle. This will allow you to destroy his current form and trap his soul, which you are to return to Lyliana to dispose of…….permanently. The castle is normally inaccessible but for on the night of the New Moon, which is tonight. The time has come to enter into a domain made of nightmares, seal the castle, kill the Tyrant King and bring his trapped soul to Stronghill.
Character Creation
A Ruined Past is a One Shot for 3-6 level 12 characters and should take around 6 hours to complete.
A Ruined Past is a dark, horror themed short adventure through the ruined castle of Ath Tel’Anvae. The players will have to face some of their darkest fears in order complete their mission. It is meant for 3-6 level 12 players and will start with 200gp plus any non-magical equipment required for their character. They will also get to choose between 2 uncommon magical items or 1 rare magical item. Spellcasters will have enough materials for 1 cast of each spell on top of their spellcasting focus or component pouch.
Please note that this is a horror adventure and will include disturbing events and images. Please do not run or play this adventure if you are unable to endure high stress and/or extreme fear
Everything from Wizards of the Coast is allowed for character creation. You will have access to our compendium to create your character. Here’s what you will be able to work within the charactermancer:
– Player’s Handbook
– Dungeon Master’s Guide
– Monster Manual
– Xanathar’s Guide to Everything
– Volo’s Guide to Monsters
– Mordenkainen’s Tome of Foes
– Sword Coast Adventurer’s Guide
– Tasha’s Cauldron of Everything
– Eberron – Rising from the Last War
– Fizban’s Treasury of Dragons
– Curse of Strahd
– Van Richten’s Guide to Ravenloft
– Monsters of the Multiverse
– Spelljammer: Adventures in Space
D&D Beyond will not be allowed, you will have to use Charactermancer. You can either use an empty character sheet or import your character. We will be more than happy to provide assistance if you need any.
Word from your DM
Hi I’m Lytha! I’m an avid gamer who loves to play games in any form, and fell in love with D&D back in 3.5e (we don’t talk about 4e)! During COVID we swapped to Roll20 and I decided to try and give DMing another go since I had a lot more free time. Since then I have been consistently running 2 campaigns, one of which is a full homebrew campaign, silly arena one shots and a yearly fun holiday one shot.
I focus making making that every game is unique to each group, where even the smallest decision can have an impact on the rest of the game! I use inside jokes, custom maps, NPCs, spell templates and magic items tailored for each group, and player, to make sure that my players are getting the best experience they can, no matter their previous gaming experience! I truly believe that it’s the players that tell the story and it’s my job to bring that story to life!
I welcome all at my table and make it a safe place for any and everyone! So grab your dice and let’s dive into a world of your own making!
Click here to see the listing on Roll20

Local Time
- Timezone: America/New_York
- Date: May 12 2023
- Time: 12:00 pm - 6:00 pm