Assault on the Frozen Fortress – One Shot D&D
As a mysterious blizzard has hit a small kingdom that lives on the border between two warring countries, beasts have begun terrorizing the citizens trapping them in their homes. Weathered and experienced heroes have been called to save this captured kingdom and its citizens. Roleplay and battles could affect the outcome of this very special and very cold one-shot. Are you prepared?
Character Creation
Assault on the Frozen Fortress is a one shot session for 3-6 17th level characters and should take around 3 hours to complete.
Please create a level 17 using Point buy or Standard array for skills and Max HP for level 1. You will then get the average for the remaining levels. Starting equipment + 1 very rare magical item + any non-magical equipment required and enough materials to cast each spell at least once.
Everything from Wizards of the Coast is allowed for character creation. You will have access to our compendium to create your character. Here’s what you will be able to work within the charactermancer:
– Player’s Handbook
– Dungeon Master’s Guide
– Monster Manual
– Xanathar’s Guide to Everything
– Volo’s Guide to Monsters
– Mordenkainen’s Tome of Foes
– Sword Coast Adventurer’s Guide
– Tasha’s Cauldron of Everything
– Eberron – Rising from the Last War
– Fizban’s Treasury of Dragons
– Curse of Strahd
– Van Richten’s Guide to Ravenloft
– Monsters of the Multiverse
– Spelljammer: Adventures in Space
D&D Beyond will not be allowed, you will have to use Charactermancer. You can either use an empty character sheet provided or import your character. We will be more than happy to provide assistance if needed.
Click here to see the listing on Roll20

Local Time
- Timezone: America/New_York
- Date: Apr 03 2023
- Time: 8:00 pm - 11:00 pm