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Unique adventures with incredible assets to add in your games

Elite Adventures - Professional D&D Online Games -
Elite Adventures - Professional D&D Online Games - Rosewood manor

This is a level 5 adventure for 3-6 players that is compatible with 5e.

Long has Rosewood Manor stood upon the cliff above the town of Ashenfall. For centuries the manor has passed from one master to another falling further and further into disrepair. That is until the current master of the manor, Lord Xalvador Shadowbrook, spent a vast fortune on it’s restoration. Once the repairs were complete and permanent staff hired, things turned horribly wrong. Anyone who spent the night at the manor disappeared without a trace. Adventurers have attempted to solve this mystery only for them to never be seen again.

There is now a standing contract from Lord Shadowbrook for anyone who can “survive” the night in the manor, rewarding 1000gp to each person who is still present the following morning.

Please note that this is a horror adventure and will include disturbing events and descriptions.

System: D&D 5E
Starting Level: 5
Length: Approximately 3 hours
Installation: Add-On
Sheet: D&D 5e 2014 by Roll20


Many features and benefits are included in this adventure, such as:

  • Complete story An intricate story connected with it’s wider world for a complete immersion and major roleplaying points for a unique experience.
  • Complex dungeon map. GM layer labels and points of interest, all created by our top content creator DM Lytha.
  • Unique Monsters & Boss. Each creature has its own stat block and custom tokens loaded into the game, to help you run your game faster.
  • Set Dynamic Lighting. Experience all of the power held within Roll20 with full dynamic lighting already laid out. Including special lighting effects!
  • Highly organized handouts. Unique items and new game mechanics to enhance the roleplaying experience.
Elite Adventures - Professional D&D Online Games - Treasure under the mountain 5e

This is a level 11 adventure for 3-6 players that is compatible with 5e.

The local adventures guild has received a request from a wealthy patron who has gone mad with rage and is calling upon anyone and everyone to return to him his greatest treasure. Guided deep into the mountains, into an un-mapped cave you will venture. Where lies the treasure within the cave? No one knows, nor what this great treasure is. The only clue given is an intricately carve statuette.

System: D&D 5E
Starting Level: 11
Length: One-Shot (1 session)
Installation: Add-On
Sheet: D&D 5e by Roll20


Many features and benefits are included in this adventure, such as:

  • Complex dungeon map. GM layer labels and trigger points all created by our top content creator DM Lytha.
  • Unique Monsters & Boss. Each creature has its own stat block and custom tokens loaded into the game, to help you run your game faster.
  • Set Dynamic Lighting. Experience all of the power held within Roll20 with full dynamic lighting already laid out. Including special lighting effects!
  • Highly organized handouts. Unique items and new game mechanics to enhance the roleplaying experience.
Elite Adventures - Professional D&D Online Games - A Ruined Past D&D 5e adventure

This is a level 12 adventure for 3-6 players that is compatible with 5e.

Lady Lyliana Von Wolfram has returned from her prison and now seeks to reclaim her land from her twisted father. Still weak from her captivity, she has taken shelter in Stronghill and now looks for the aid of adventurers such as yourself to infiltrate the castle and take down the Tyrant King. In order to prevent his escape you are told there are 4 grimoires that each contain a portion of a large scale magic circle spell that will contain him no matter where he lurks within the ruined castle. This will allow you to destroy his current form and trap his soul, which you are to return to Lyliana to dispose of…….permanently.

The castle is normally inaccessible but for on the night of the New Moon, which is tonight. The time has come to enter into a domain made of nightmares, seal the castle, kill the Tyrant King and bring his trapped soul to Stronghill.

Please note that this is a horror adventure and will include disturbing events and images. Please do not run or play this adventure if you are unable to endure high stress and/or extreme fear

System: D&D 5E
Starting Level: 12
Length: 6-8 hours for a long one shot or as a mini series
Installation: Add-On
Sheet: D&D 5e by Roll20


Many features and benefits are included in this adventure, such as:

  • Complete story An intricate story connected with it’s wider world for a complete immersion and major roleplaying points for a unique experience.
  • Complex dungeon map. GM layer labels and points of interest, all created by our top content creator DM Lytha.
  • Unique Monsters & Boss. Each creature has its own stat block and custom tokens loaded into the game, to help you run your game faster.
  • Set Dynamic Lighting. Experience all of the power held within Roll20 with full dynamic lighting already laid out. Including special lighting effects!
  • Highly organized handouts. Unique items and new game mechanics to enhance the roleplaying experience.
  • Token Page. Preset Monster tokens all in one place for easy copy/paste when needed
Elite Adventures - Professional D&D Online Games - Lair of the great goblin mage

This is a level 8 adventure for 3-6 players that is compatible with 5e.

A powerful merchant named Ermanos DiCarmen is hiring a special crew to deal with a growing menace in the lands. You must be, or pass for, a goblinoid and infiltrate The Great Mage Graak’s lair. You must present a severed head to prove your worthiness to the gatekeeper and complete the Rite of Passage to be “enlisted” into his army.

Maybe you are a hero that lost someone in the attack or maybe you’re a goblinoid that seeks vengeance or power. Whatever your reasons may be, you will need all the help you can get to infiltrate his legendary lair.

Be careful, the goblin mage and his army proved to be stronger than the human kingdom to the south, stronger than the dragon they slayed to reach the lower levels, and stronger than the spider queen he has made his pet. Perhaps if you can find and convince the spider queen, she could be an ally…

System: D&D 5E
Starting Level: 8
Length: 6-8 hours for a long one shot or as a mini series
Installation: Add-On
Sheet: D&D 5e by Roll20


Many features and benefits are included in this adventure, such as:

  • Complete story An intricate story connected with it’s wider world for a complete immersion.
  • New mechanics Boons and curses depending how well your players succeed.
  • Unique Monsters & Boss. Each creature has its own stat block and custom tokens loaded into the game, to help you run your game faster.
  • Set Dynamic Lighting. Experience all of the power held within Roll20 with full dynamic lighting already laid out. Including special lighting effects!
  • Highly organized handouts. Unique items and special NPC to enhance the roleplaying experience.


  • Battle maps 7 high quality battle maps leading you from the surface to deep within the Goblin Lair.
  • Interactive maps Have your maps change during the encounter with interactive elements which alter the layout or trigger events.
  • Animated Assets Living characters and monster tokens to compliment the Interactive map features.
  • Asset variety Static and animated variants of all assets giving you the choice to decide which features to use in any of your games.
  • Soundscape Complete the atmosphere with custom made ambient audio for each battle map.
Elite Adventures - Professional D&D Online Games - Karjuke: Terror of the Mists d&d one shot

This is a level 15 adventure that scales from 1 to 7 players that is compatible with 5e.

Sailing the high seas has always perilous, you never know what will appear from the depths or when pirates may attack. Ships having been going missing for eons, sometimes with no trace. Rumors have been forever told of the deadly mists that will swallow your ship whole, never to be seen again. The mists that appear as if from magic and gone just as fast. What danger lurks within that fog?

No matter why you sail, for adventure, to seek out the mysteries of the seas, or just to go home, you must be vigilant, for you never know when the mists will envelope you!

System: D&D 5E
Starting Level: 15
Length: 2-3 hours
Installation: Add-On
Sheet: D&D 5e by Roll20


Many features and benefits are included in this adventure, such as:

  • Complete story A short story connected with it’s wider world for a complete immersion.
  • New mechanics Battle phases and targetable body parts
  • Stat Scaling Karjuke’s stats based on the number of players at your table
  • Boss Tokens. Karjuke has its own stat block and custom tokens loaded into the game, to help you run your game faster.
  • Highly organized handouts. Animated assets tokens to enhance your play experience


  • Battle maps 3 high quality battle maps for you to customize your battle experience
  • Art Work High quality images to enhance your adventures
  • Animated Assets Living monster tokens to compliment any scenario
Elite Adventures - Professional D&D Online Games - Behemoth's Wrath at Mount Celestia high level one shot

This is a level 17 adventure for 3-6 players that is compatible with 5e.

In a realm where celestial intrigue and divine mysteries intertwine, destiny beckons once more to the valiant adventurers. Each of your characters has a shared history, having served Raziel, The Solar Angel, in various capacities in the past. Now, the celestial being extends a compelling invitation to gather at the Shrine of Divinities, perched high upon a majestic mountain.

Yet, amidst the awe-inspiring setting, a shadow looms. The All-Seeing One, god of divination, has whispered troubling tidings to Raziel. A nefarious plot has taken root among your ranks, with ill intentions directed not only towards Raziel but also the very essence of the material plane.

Empowered by the All-Seeing god, Raziel seeks to unveil the truth shrouded in mystery. The fate of celestial realms and the world itself rests upon your shoulders.

System: D&D 5E
Starting Level: 17
Length: 3-4 hours One Shot
Installation: Add-On
Sheet: D&D 5e by Roll20


Many features and benefits are included in this adventure, such as:

  • Complete story An intricate story connected with it’s wider world for a complete immersion.
  • NPC Interactions Full roleplaying options for players to convince the NPCs to join them in battle
  • Unique Monsters & Boss. Each creature has its own stat block and custom tokens loaded into the game, to help you run your game faster.
  • Highly organized handouts. Unique encounters and special event triggers to enhance the roleplaying experience.


  • Battle maps 4 High quality maps to take your players from the heavens back down to earth.
  • Interactive Map Assets Have your maps change during the encounter with interactive elements which alter the layout or trigger events.
  • Animated Token Assets Living characters and monster tokens to compliment the Interactive map features.
  • Asset variety All animated assets are can be transferred into any of your other games.