silvermarsh ova: that time i was an adventurer and we went to the beach on a monastery island that turned out to be deserted because of an evil menace which we end up defeating
This ninth level one-shot adventure involves about two-thirds combat, and one-third roleplay investigation. A seaside town often sends supplies and tourists to a nearby island overseen by the Firewatch Monastery, but last night a distress beacon was lit aflame on the monastery’s tower. The party must investigate the resort island to rescue any survivors and prevent this menace from spreading across the peaceful fishing towns of the sword coast.
Character Creation
All equipment from Lytha’s weekly game “Mysteries of the Silver March” is allowed. Please use the sheet provided or import your character. We will be more than happy to provide assistance if needed. You will need to level up your characters to level 9.
This is a private game for DM Lytha’s Saturday group.

Local Time
- Timezone: America/New_York
- Date: Sep 29 2024
- Time: 11:00 am - 2:00 pm