CheribiriVT Sponsorship: The Mhalmet Heist
The seedy Lounge of a Thousand Whispers has spread its tendrils of corruption throughout the local town and extorting the townsfolk, stepping on the toes of both the local guard and the criminal organization known as the Black Hand who like things run smoothly and without collateral damage. Both sides have begun looking for adventurers to deal with the situation before it gets even more out of control.
Character Creation
Midgard Sagas: The Mhalmet Heist is a One Shot for 3-6 level 5 characters and should take around 3 hours to complete.
Please create a level 5 character using Point buy or Standard array for skills and Max HP for level 1. You will then get the average for the remaining levels. Starting equipment only.
Everything from Wizards of the Coast is allowed for character creation and you will have access to our compendium with every modules to create your character. Please note that the 2024 rules do not apply to this game.
D&D Beyond will not be allowed, you will have to use Charactermancer. You can either use an empty character sheet provided or import your character. We will be more than happy to provide assistance if needed. You can also find tutorials on our website.
We highly recommend you make any necessary preparations before the game commences. These may include things such as reviewing these tutorials prior to the start of the game.
Basic Roll20 Setup For New Players
How to use Charactermancer in Roll20 and level up
How to use Roll20 Character Sheets

Local Time
- Timezone: America/New_York
- Date: Nov 19 2024
- Time: 9:00 pm - 11:55 pm