Ghosts of Saltmarsh: Salvage Operation – One Shot D&D
The merchant prince Aubreck Drallion once counted himself among the richest folk of his city. His trade fleet was one of the largest and most prosperous of its kind. Looking to outmaneuver his mercantile opponents, Aubreck sold off his empire, hoarding the immense wealth on his flagship the Emperor of the Waves.
Before the ship could reach its destination, the Emperor of the Waves disappeared and was lost for many years. Fifteen days ago Aubreck received word the Emperor had been sighted again, adrift as a ghost ship in the southern sea. He believes that his lost trade empire can be rebuilt if the deeds and documents aboard the ship can bee recovered.
All he needs now are a few brave souls interested in a cut of that wealth who aren’t afraid of whatever might be aboard the ghost ship.
Character Creation
Ghosts of Saltmarsh: Salvage Operation is a One Shot for 3-6 level 4 characters and should take around 3 hours to complete.
Please create a level 4 character using Point buy or Standard array for skills and Max HP for level 1. You will then get the average for the remaining levels. Your character gets starting Equipment, plus 200gp to spend on any items listed in the player’s handbook
Everything from Wizards of the Coast is allowed for character creation. You will have access to our compendium to create your character. Here’s what you will be able to work within the charactermancer:
– Player’s Handbook
– Dungeon Master’s Guide
– Monster Manual
– Xanathar’s Guide to Everything
– Volo’s Guide to Monsters
– Mordenkainen’s Tome of Foes
– Sword Coast Adventurer’s Guide
– Tasha’s Cauldron of Everything
– Eberron – Rising from the Last War
– Fizban’s Treasury of Dragons
– Curse of Strahd
– Van Richten’s Guide to Ravenloft
– Monsters of the Multiverse
– Spelljammer: Adventures in Space
D&D Beyond will not be allowed, you will have to use Charactermancer. You can either use an empty character sheet provided or import your character. We will be more than happy to provide assistance if needed.
A word from your DM
I’ve loved tabletop RPG’s since I discovered D&D 3.5 edition in high school. Since then, I’ve run or been a player in countless games. It’s important to me to gather as much input from my players as possible, because getting players invested in the shared worlds, stories, and characters helps bring everything together into a cohesive and memorable story. The resulting enjoyment and memories are the reason I fell in love with D&D.
I’ve been playing 5e since 2015, putting together a few long-running campaigns as well as dozens of one-shots. I always try to ensure that every character gets a chance to shine every time they play. Each session will include a mix of roleplay and combat, with the occasional opportunity to complete a puzzle or riddle. I can’t wait to immerse my players in the sights, sounds, smells and ambiance of the rich world of dungeons and dragons.
Please be aware that it is necessary to prepare before the game commences. If you fail to make the necessary preparations, such as reviewing these tutorials prior to the start of the game, there is a possibility of being removed from the game.
Basic Roll20 Setup For New Players
How to use Charactermancer in Roll20 and level up
How to use Roll20 Character Sheets
Click here to see the listing on Roll20

Local Time
- Timezone: America/New_York
- Date: Sep 11 2023
- Time: 8:00 pm - 11:00 pm