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Mar 16 2025


9:30 pm



(Private Game) Amidst Shattered Skies

Millennia ago a rending of the weave of magic ripped the world apart and sent huge chunks of land into the sky. Civilization regressed to the stone age and had to redevelop on scattered, drifting sky-islands which float in the sky. As time passed and the weave healed, these civilizations developed in isolation. They create vastly different rich cultures, until they each eventually developed their own methods of taking to the skies to meet one another for trade, community, and sometimes conflict.

In the present day, some of the worlds intrepid citizens are ready to bravely adventure out into the clouds in search of forgotten peoples, new frontiers, and ancient ruins. Far below these fledgling nations, an eternal storm of dark clouds and lightning, known as “The Aetherstorm”, violently claims any who venture too low.

Character Creation

Amidst Shattered Skies is a brand new homebrew campaign starting at level 3 and each session will last approximately 3 hours. Please create a level 3 character using Point buy or Standard array for skills and Max HP for level 1. You will then get the average for the remaining levels. Starting equipment only.

Everything from Wizards of the Coast is allowed for character creation. You will have access to our compendium with every modules to create your character.

D&D Beyond will not be allowed, you will have to use Charactermancer. You can either use an empty character sheet provided or import your character. We will be more than happy to provide assistance if needed.

We highly recommend you make any necessary preparations before the game commences. These may include things such as reviewing these tutorials prior to the start of the game. 

Basic Roll20 Setup For New Players

How to use Charactermancer in Roll20 and level up

How to use Roll20 Character Sheets

This is a private game. Unless sent this link directly by the DM, please do not book a seat.

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I’ve loved tabletop RPG’s since I discovered D&D 3.5 edition in high school. Since then, I’ve run or been a player in countless games. It’s important to me to gather as much input from my players as possible, because getting players invested in the shared worlds, stories, and characters helps bring everything together into a cohesive and memorable story. The resulting enjoyment and memories are the reason I fell in love with D&D. I’ve been playing 5e since 2015, putting together a few long-running campaigns as well as dozens of one-shots. I always try to ensure that every character gets a chance to shine every time they play. Each session will include a mix of roleplay and combat, with the occasional opportunity to complete a puzzle or riddle. I can’t wait to immerse my players in the sights, sounds, smells and ambiance of the rich world of dungeons and dragons.

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Local Time

  • Timezone: America/New_York
  • Date: Mar 16 2025
  • Time: 9:30 pm